Fall Instrumental Concert Video Link

Courtesy of Ms. Cunningham, we have a video link for our 10/26 concert. Please enjoy, evaluate, and forward to family members/friends who were unable to attend. http://www.ustream.tv/recorded/18132159#utm_campaign=synclickback&source=deniedbyhost&medium=18132159 Courtesy of Mr. Skylakos (orchestra parent), we have a link to photographs taken during the concert. Enjoy. https://picasaweb.google.com/104583410872615209626?authkey=Gv1sRgCJnXo__LhfjMNQ    

Orchestra, Concert, and Symphonic Band Sectionals

Orchestra, Concert Band, and Symphonic Band sectional schedule information through the October 26 Fall Instrumental Concert: September: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1clGt0XZchH4CYSqHRwdmPFTYfiGzUQpc-Qq8ic6pHiM/edit?hl=en_US October: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Vw3e6hYZMsmXHJvuwdiOqyALABWpE_LoWdWLblTQoHY/edit?hl=en_US A poster containing this information is also posted outside of the bandroom for students’ convenience and planning purposes.